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Congratulations! You’ve taken a tremendous step towards crafting a life of memorable travel experiences.

You will need an active Notion account to use this template. Create a Notion account for free by clicking here.

This Notion template comprises three separate interlinking databases:

  • a destination database,
  • a years database
  • an experience database.

Together, they will help you create and curate your travel bucket list for many years to come: one that I hope you will continuously update and enjoy!

Click here to duplicate this template into your own Notion, then customize it any way you wish!

  • You can change the font type by hitting the three buttons on the top right of your screen.
  • You can add properties to each database as needed to expand and customize your travel bucket list! If you need a reminder about making a travel bucket list, click here.
  • You can change the views to add details.
  • Integrate it into your Task Management Database.

Add entries to each database by clicking the blue “New” button and using the templates inside the databases to quickly add new items.

Want more information on making a Travel Bucket List? I’ve got a full step-by-step guide! I’ve also got a curated list of fantastic travel tools that will make planning and implementing your list a snap!!

Happy Traveling!