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Day of the Paratroopers/День воздушно-десантных войск (День ВДВ): Cool Men Cooling Off

By August 2, 2010June 3rd, 2017Uncategorized

Today is another day to lock up your daughters, and certainly to wear protective footgear around fountains to avoid a huge amount of broken glass!

Paratroopers Day in Russia, swimming in fountains, Gorky Park, Moscow

Photo Credit: Jennifer Eremeeva

It’s Paratroopers’ Day, and this year marks the 80th anniversary from the first jump of the first unit of twelve paratroopers in Voronezh.  Like the Border Guards, the Paratroopers take their holiday very seriously, and hold informal reunions across Russia, generally centered at the city’s major fountain, and involving a certain amount of liquid spirits.  This year, I decided to go along and join them.

HRH was a little hesitant, as he always is about me venturing into this kind of scenario, and told me to keep in touch on the phone.  After four hours in Gorky Park, I dialed his number.

No one, except us

~ Slogan of the Paratroopers

“This is the best holiday of them all!” I gushed, “I’ve had three marriage proposals, ten invitations to go for a beer, and two guys asked me to swim with them.”

“Great,” he said, “what time is dinner?”

Pictures are not always worth a thousand words, but I think, in this case, they might be!

Congratulations to all the paratroopers of Russia!  You guys sure know how to put on a great party!


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